cohama / lexima.vim

Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...
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<Tab> key #143

Open aloispichler opened 1 year ago

aloispichler commented 1 year ago

Hello again!

In your LaTeX example in, it would be nice if call lexima#add_rule({'char': '<Tab>', 'at': '\%#\$', 'leave': 1, 'filetype': 'latex'}) were working as well. This would be consistent behavior with UltiSnips.

Thank you!

cohama commented 1 year ago


Key conflicts are frequently asked problem in lexima.vim. In general, resolving conflicts by the following.

" conflicting plugin's initialization processes should be done before this line
let g:lexima_no_default_rules = 1
call lexima#set_default_rules()

inoremap <Tab> <Plug>(awesome-plugin-action)<C-r>=lexima#expand('<Tab>', 'i')<CR>

You need to replace <Plug>(awesome-plugin-action) to UltiSnips's <Tab> feature. If you don't know about it, please report an output of imap <Tab>.