cohama / lexima.vim

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Possibility of supressing flickering of Command mode while pressing backspace #144

Open ajitid opened 1 year ago

ajitid commented 1 year ago

While pressing backspace, I've noticed that the editor goes to Insert → Command → Insert mode. This causes a flicker in statusline. I assume you probably you know about this, if not, you can slow down the video to see this transition. Is it possible that we can hide it somehow?

Screencast from 2023-02-02 17-48-28.webm

Vim: NVIM v0.9.0-dev-843+g860fea1a3 OS: Fedora 37

ajitid commented 1 year ago

I noticed this happens on pressing space key too (in insert mode).

cohama commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your feedback. I noticed this issue and plan to fix in the future version.

Technically, this is caused by <C-r>= mapping internally used in lexima.vim. In the past, this was the only way to achieve complex features (e.g. calling function) in insert mode. However newer version of vim or neovim can use <Cmd> instead, which does not trigger CmdlineEnter. I decided to throw away the old version of vim and introduce new engine powered by <Cmd>.

ajitid commented 1 year ago

Good idea 👍 Let me know when I can test these changes