cohama / lexima.vim

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<C-h> mapping #23

Closed perrin4869 closed 8 years ago

perrin4869 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I was just wondering about the <C-h> mapping in the plugin. I found that in line 99 of autoload/lexima you are mapping <C-h> to <BS>... only it conflicts with another mapping of mine, so it's a problem. I do not see the relevance of the mapping... is there a reason why it's there?

cohama commented 8 years ago

I thought most of users use <C-h> as <BS> but I become aware this is wrong. From now, <C-h> mappings are not defined by default if you already have a <C-h> mapping.

perrin4869 commented 8 years ago

Hm... this does not solve the problem actually. The thing is that I am not setting the mapping manually, I am passing to YouCompleteMe as an option, and it sets the mapping... only it appears to load after lexima, and therefore the mapping that I want is never set. I am using pathogen for managing my plugins and I have no way to configure the load order... maybe an explicit option for enabling/disabling the mapping would do in this case?

let g:lexima_enable_bs_mapping = 1

The other question would be... Why is this mapping inside the plugin to begin with?

cohama commented 8 years ago

Does not YouCompleteMe override lexima's mapping?

The other question would be... Why is this mapping inside the plugin to begin with?

Because some people think <C-h> is same as <BS>.

perrin4869 commented 8 years ago

No it doesn't... but in any case, I don't think the mapping really belongs in this plugin, if someone wants to map <C-h> to <BS> they can do that in their vimrc... I don't get why it's part of this plugin

cohama commented 8 years ago

I have decided to delete <C-h> mappings and to add tips to doc. If someone complain about this, I will consider this solution again.