cohama / lexima.vim

Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...
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Problem with <tab> and / or <right> in custom rules #24

Closed rlmaers closed 8 years ago

rlmaers commented 8 years ago

I've played with a few custom rules.

call lexima#add_rule({'char': '<tab>', 'at': '\%#)', 'input': '<right>'})
call lexima#add_rule({'char': '<tab>', 'at': '\%#]', 'input': '<right>'})
call lexima#add_rule({'char': '<tab>', 'at': '\%#}', 'input': '<right>'})

However, after updating the plugin, this no longer works. I've tried to debug the problem, but my knowledge is lacking.

rlmaers commented 8 years ago

Never mind. It was a conflict with another plugin.