cohama / lexima.vim

Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...
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Expose the <CR> function #34

Closed Murlocks closed 8 years ago

Murlocks commented 8 years ago

I would love to have access to the function, and an option to disable the default auto mapping. Here is the use case I am thinking of: A multipurpose functiono that routes to the proper call based on neocomplete popup, selected snippet, or default, lexima .

cohama commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your idea. I will try to implement but the current implementation is too complex to expose. It needs to refactor.

sebastianmarkow commented 8 years ago


cohama commented 8 years ago

Hi. I have added lexima#expand() function. You can use it like below.

inoremap <expr> <CR> someCondition() ? yourMapping() : lexima#expand('<CR>', 'i')

Add this code after lexima#add_rule(). Please try it!

sebastianmarkow commented 8 years ago

Does not work in my setup, here's my modified vimrc (Line 465) for reference.

Let me know, if I can be of help somehow.

cohama commented 8 years ago

Sorry I can not reproduce it. Please send me the result of :imap.

sebastianmarkow commented 8 years ago


Sorry, just recalled that I might have to disable automappings for <cr>. Am I right?

Here's the :imap output

i  <Esc>       *@<C-R>=lexima#insmode#escape()<CR><Esc>
i  <Plug>(neocomplete_auto_refresh) * <C-R>=neocomplete#mappings#refresh()<CR>
i  <Plug>(neocomplete_start_manual_complete) * <C-R>=neocomplete#mappings#manual_complete()<CR>
i  <Plug>(neocomplete_start_auto_complete) * <C-R>=neocomplete#mappings#auto_complete()<CR>
i  <Plug>(neocomplete_start_omni_complete) * <C-X><C-O>
i  <Plug>(neocomplete_start_unite_quick_match) * unite#sources#neocomplete#start_quick_match()
i  <Plug>(neocomplete_start_unite_complete) * unite#sources#neocomplete#start_complete()
i  <Plug>(neosnippet_start_unite_snippet) * unite#sources#neosnippet#start_complete()
i  <Plug>(neosnippet_jump) * neosnippet#mappings#jump_impl()
i  <Plug>(neosnippet_expand) * neosnippet#mappings#expand_impl()
i  <Plug>(neosnippet_jump_or_expand) * neosnippet#mappings#jump_or_expand_impl()
i  <Plug>(neosnippet_expand_or_jump) * neosnippet#mappings#expand_or_jump_impl()
i  <Plug>ISurround * <C-R>=<SNR>47_insert(1)<CR>
i  <Plug>Isurround * <C-R>=<SNR>47_insert()<CR>
i  <BS>        * lexima#expand('<BS>', 'i')
i  <Plug>(EasyAlign) * <C-O>:<C-U>call <SNR>2_lod_map('<Plug>(EasyAlign)', ['vim-easy-align'], "")<CR>
!  <D-v>         <C-R>*
i  <C-G>S        <Plug>ISurround
i  <C-G>s        <Plug>Isurround
i  <C-G>       * neocomplete#undo_completion()
i  <Tab>         pumvisible() ? "\<C-N>" : neosnippet#jumpable() ? "\<Plug>(neosnippet_jump)" : "\<Tab>"
i  <C-L>       * neocomplete#complete_common_string()
i  <CR>        * lexima#expand('<CR>', 'i')
i  <C-S>         <Plug>Isurround
i  <Esc><Esc>  * <Esc>
i  <Esc>       * pumvisible() ? neocomplete#cancel_popup() : "\<Esc>"
i  <Space>     * lexima#expand('<SPACE>', 'i')
i  "           * lexima#expand('"', 'i')
i  '           * lexima#expand('''', 'i')
i  (           * lexima#expand('(', 'i')
i  )           * lexima#expand(')', 'i')
i  [           * lexima#expand('[', 'i')
i  ]           * lexima#expand(']', 'i')
i  `           * lexima#expand('`', 'i')
i  {           * lexima#expand('{', 'i')
i  }           * lexima#expand('}', 'i')
cohama commented 8 years ago

I made two mistakes.

1) I could not handle plugin load order.

If you add your vimrc imap <CR>... but lexima will be loaded after the vimrc and overrides it. I will fix this but you can use a workaround as below.

" insert this line above imap
call lexima#init()

2) I missed the example.

It is necessary to escape '<' to recognize '<CR>' as 4 characters.

inoremap <expr> <CR> someCondition() ? yourMapping() : lexima#expand('<LT>CR>', 'i')
sebastianmarkow commented 8 years ago

Works just fine. Thanks @cohama

Murlocks commented 8 years ago

A very late thank you!