cohama / lexima.vim

Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...
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Conflict with deoplete and pressing <CR> on completion #43

Closed compressed closed 8 years ago

compressed commented 8 years ago

Hi, Thanks for the plugin!

I recently updated lexima and found that when I press enter on a deoplete autocompletion (in insert mode), the completion is no longer inserted into the text. I traced it back to this change. I believe it happens because deoplete uses abbreviations in the pop-up menu causing some sort of conflict...

Any ideas for a workaround? Also I'm using neovim. Let me know if you need more info.


cohama commented 8 years ago

Sorry for slow respose. Recently I installed neovim and deoplete and try it but I can not repoduce it. Please tell me your settings about lexima and deoplete.

compressed commented 8 years ago

Thanks for trying! Here are some more details:

filetype off                  " required

call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
  Plug 'cohama/lexima.vim'
  " Plug 'cohama/lexima.vim', { 'commit': '155dc98220e0bab9c0bfd5090547ef8c4bbaf0be' } (breaks after this commit)
  Plug 'Shougo/deoplete.nvim'
    let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1
" Add plugins to &runtimepath
call plug#end()

filetype plugin indent on    " required

Here's a gif showing what's happening. In the first case I have the lexima commit specified, where it's working as I'd expect - hitting enter completes. In the second case, using the latest lexima version, whenever I hit enter on a match, it just makes a new line, no completions.


cohama commented 8 years ago

Thanks for details. I noticed that abbreviation expansion conflicts with popup menu. It was difficult to solve it but I finally realized it!

Please update to the latest version!

compressed commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much! This works perfectly for me now, much appreciated!