cohama / lexima.vim

Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...
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Jumping over closing brackets #70

Open DerWeh opened 6 years ago

DerWeh commented 6 years ago

Using Neovim (NVIM v0.2.0-1171-g4566f7c) and a clean configuration (only runtimepath for lexima set) the plug-in does not show the described behavior:

Before        Input         After~     
|             (             (|)             works
|             "             "|"             works
""|           "             """|"""        works
''|           '             '''|'''            works
\|            [             \[|             works, but \[| input: <cr> gives \[\n|]
\|            "             \"|             works
\|            '             \'|              works
I|            'm            I'm|         works
(|)           )             ()|             doesn't work, gives: (|
'|'           '             ''|               doesn't work, gives '|
(|)           <BS>          |          works
'|'           <BS>          |           works