cohama / lexima.vim

Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...
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<C-j>, <C-m> and others should be used in the same manner as Enter #91

Closed kantuin closed 2 years ago

kantuin commented 4 years ago

I'm using my custom mappings which include . But lexima.vim doesn't apply newline rules like enter key.

cohama commented 4 years ago

Not should because vim distinguishes these keys. Someone (including me!) may set different mapping with <CR>. But you can customize the default behavior by below.

" <C-j> as <CR>
call lexima#insmode#define_altanative_key('<C-j>', '<Enter>')

I'm sorry that lexima#insmode#define_altanative_key function is now undocumented. In the future, it will be public