cohama / lexima.vim

Auto close parentheses and repeat by dot dot dot...
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Error (Undefined variable: v:t_number) while using the latest lexima version #93

Closed installero closed 4 years ago

installero commented 4 years ago

Hello, my vim config looks like this.

I got this error while starting the vim from terminal.

Error detected while processing function <SNR>37_import[11]..<SNR>37__import:
line   18:
E605: Exception not caught: vital: fail to call ._vital_loaded(): vital: fail to
 call ._vital_loaded(): Vim(let):E121: Undefined variable: v:t_number from:^@ fr
om:^@function <SNR>37_import(...) Line:11 (~/.vim/plugged/lexima.vim/autoload/vi
tal/lexima.vim)^@function <SNR>37__import(...) Line:15 (~/.vim/plugged/
m/autoload/vital/lexima.vim)^@function <SNR>41__vital_loaded(...) Line:2 (~/.vim
/plugged/lexima.vim/autoload/vital/_lexima/Vim/Buffer.vim)^@function <SNR>37_imp
ort(...) Line:11 (~/.vim/plugged/lexima.vim/autoload/vital/lexima.vim)^@<SNR>37_

After this lexima seems to work ok.

Can you please tell, what the problem could be?

cohama commented 4 years ago

Sorry for inconvenience. Latest vital.vim causes this problem in old Vim (<8.0). I plan to fix this issue because support Vim version of lexima.vim is Vim7.4 (or higher)

Available workaround is

installero commented 4 years ago

Thanx, this setting in my vim-plug list of plugins helped!

Plug 'cohama/lexima.vim', { 'commit': 'ab74d24daf815c30de367c6e3518296eb9a84537' }