cohenerickson / Velocity

Velocity is a fully featured tabbed proxy with a seamless browsing experience.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
132 stars 301 forks source link

Theme support #5

Closed T3M1N4L closed 1 year ago

T3M1N4L commented 1 year ago

I know I might be bothering you, so sorry, but..

I have a question concrening Velocity I have been trying to create a custom version/theme of it So like, I want to change the colors But I don't know where the css/typescript is? can you send me the directory which I can edit these colors?


Disclaimer: This is for personal use, and Credit will be given Working on doing that

GreenyDEV commented 1 year ago

Velocity uses TailwindCSS, which means all of it is inline. Since tabs come from JS, it's likely somewhere in a script.

cohenerickson commented 1 year ago

Right now velocity doesn’t have any built-in way to customize a theme, in the future a theme API is planned to add support for chrome/firefox themes.

cohenerickson commented 1 year ago

Implemented in v1.3.0