cohere-coop /

Celebrating and nourishing creative communities
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RFC: What are the feelings we want to convey with our messaging and visuals? #5

Open zspencer opened 6 years ago

zspencer commented 6 years ago

@jtu0 suggested nourish for the app name, because we all want sustainable and healthy financing for our creative works.

She had also been talking about how we want to help build sustainable "villages" of independent/interdependent like minded people. @bhaibel mentioned the value of open-standards and designing to make people smarter/better.

When we found out "" was available we all laughed and seemed to really like the optimism and celebratory aspect; which is why we went with that domain initially. That said I'd love if we all (@jtu0 and @bhaibel and @atav1k) dumped our thoughts/feels about what kind of feels we want to convey with our messaging and visual so that @atav1k has more information to work with as he does value prop, visual, and brand design.

jtu0 commented 6 years ago


I like Cohere's teal: #34BABF I like the palette here if it had some warmer elements ("confetti"): I like Pinkie Pie's colors but not too pink:

I like the visuals of confetti and streamers and balloons. I want partygoers and partyhosts (nourishers and creators?) to celebrate the experience together.

bhaibel commented 6 years ago

I like Cohere's teal all the time, but I also am concerned that if we include it as a major element it will be hard to separate the "Nourish" brand from the "Cohere" brand.

I've been playing with the idea of having a dark, saturated "ground" color and then having pastel confetti accent colors, like this:

I really wanted to get a purple in there but I can't find a pastel purple that I like with that dark green, and so far I've liked the dark green the best of the ground colors in practice:


vikramrojo commented 6 years ago

So on brand, I think celebratory, nourishing & tending is def the right direction. There's something I find overlooked though with party which is the idea of backing something important to the world. So I'm not 100% on party going.

I think the brand will also be structural, ie informed by the crowdfunding model & it's unique value. In this sense every experience is the brand. Are there high quality people/projects or is it flooded with cash grabs, is it easy to share & circulate etc.

zspencer commented 6 years ago

@atav1k - I agree re: Brand informed by who uses it and what they use it for. Ideally, every install will have their own brand, which includes things like project guidelines for what kinds of projects they host and how they do governance. I think we will want to build support for that kind of thing into the design of the system, whether it's as tiny as "write a description of what your ideal projects are and we'll put it on the new projects page" or something more deeply integrated I'm not clear on; but I 100% agree with you that it's going to be huge.

For our particualr instance, I kind of want to focus on people who have been creating tutorials/artwork/writing/OSS/etc. for a period of time greater than a few months? I don't want to encourage a community of people launching things and abandoning them; I want people committed to the thing so that people browsing the site to find people to support have confidence.

Which isn't to say someone couldn't host a "Speculative" one that doesn't have that constraint; more power to them!

zspencer commented 6 years ago

Also, yes ++++ re: Making sure our instance is about things that have long-term meaning/value/purpose; and making sure our visual and verbal communication conveys that.