Please add a flag to allow overwriting existing VMs like in the GUI (Existing VM Handling) so that we can restore a VM via Powershell using the Restore-CohesityVMwareVM command without having to delete it in VMware first.
Example or reference
Maybe something like -Overwrite so it'd look like this:
Restore-CohesityVMwareVM -TaskName "Test-Restore" -SourceId 2 -JobId 8 -Overwrite -DisableNetwork -PoweredOn
🚀 Feature Request
Please add a flag to allow overwriting existing VMs like in the GUI (Existing VM Handling) so that we can restore a VM via Powershell using the Restore-CohesityVMwareVM command without having to delete it in VMware first.
Example or reference
Maybe something like -Overwrite so it'd look like this:
Restore-CohesityVMwareVM -TaskName "Test-Restore" -SourceId 2 -JobId 8 -Overwrite -DisableNetwork -PoweredOn