cohure / CoHuRe
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Join the conversation #1

Open melvinwevers opened 5 years ago

melvinwevers commented 5 years ago

Please add your name if you want to be included in the conversation. We will add your name to the list of interested parties on the website. If you want to be taken off the list, leave a comment.

tedunderwood commented 5 years ago

Hi. You can add me to the list. Thanks for getting this rolling!

jorisvanzundert commented 5 years ago

Yup, I'm in.

kuchbos commented 5 years ago

I am in as well (Oleg Sobchuk).

michaelgavin commented 5 years ago

Me too!

rubenros1795 commented 5 years ago

Sounds good! I'm in!

jtauber commented 5 years ago

Count me in!

James Tauber - Eldarion

emanjavacas commented 5 years ago

Count me in!

antalvdb commented 5 years ago

I’m in

rospocher commented 5 years ago

Sounds good, I'm in too!

mikekestemont commented 5 years ago

Mike Kestemont -- University of Antwerp, Belgium

burtenshaw commented 5 years ago

Can't wait.

christofs commented 5 years ago

Sure, sign me up!

informusica commented 5 years ago

great initiative! as a pre-warning: may not have much organizational bandwidth left until end of the calendar year. But please do keep me in the loop, and I'll be happy to engage where I can.

Cynthia Liem - Delft University of Technology

eamccarthy commented 5 years ago

I'd be happy to help in whatever capacity I can.

Erin A. McCarthy University of Newcastle, Australia

awlassche commented 5 years ago


lrhenrickson commented 5 years ago

Heya, folks!

Leah Henrickson Loughborough University, UK

JamieTehrani commented 5 years ago

I would like to support this

kasparvonbeelen commented 5 years ago

Interested as well!

Kaspar Beelen, Alan Turing Institute, London

mcollardanuy commented 5 years ago

I'm in, too (Mariona Coll Ardanuy, Alan Turing Institute, London)

evazangerle commented 5 years ago

I'm in - Eva Zangerle, University of Innsbruck, Austria.

Giovanni1085 commented 5 years ago

Giovanni Colavizza, University of Amsterdam.

alexbrandsen commented 5 years ago

I'm in! Alex Brandsen - Leiden University

davanstrien commented 5 years ago

Daniel van Strien, British Library

ElsLefever commented 5 years ago

I'm in! Great initiative! Els Lefever - LT3, Ghent University

Nanne commented 5 years ago

This sounds like my kind of party.

Nanne van Noord, University of Amsterdam

JoannaBy commented 5 years ago

Joanna Byszuk, Institute of Polish Language Polish Academy of Sciences :)

pvankranenburg commented 5 years ago

Sounds good! I'm in.

drvenabili commented 5 years ago

Simon Hengchen - University of Helsinki

nilsreiter commented 5 years ago

I'm in as well. Nils Reiter, Stuttgart University, Germany

pagelj commented 5 years ago

Yup, count me in! Janis Pagel, University of Stuttgart, Germany

bleekere commented 5 years ago

For sure! Elli Bleeker, KNAW Humanities Cluster

tabeatietz commented 5 years ago

Hello I would like to participate and support this. Tabea Tietz, FIZ Karlsruhe & KIT, Germany

LeKonArD commented 5 years ago

I'm in! Leonard Konle, Würzburg University, Germany

kasra-hosseini commented 5 years ago

I am in! (Kasra Hosseini, The Alan Turing Institute, London)

fkraeutli commented 5 years ago

Yes, please! Florian Kräutli, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

DavidBeavan commented 5 years ago

Let's do it: David Beavan - The Alan Turing Institute

versae commented 5 years ago

Sounds awesome!

Javier de la Rosa - UNED

peeter-t2 commented 5 years ago

Yes! Peeter Tinits, University of Tartu

jrvosse commented 5 years ago

I'm in too! Jacco van Ossenbruggen

albertoacerbi commented 5 years ago

Interested! Alberto Acerbi, University of Tübingen

HeleenWilbrink commented 5 years ago

Great initiative! Heleen Wilbrink, Aincient

albertmeronyo commented 5 years ago

Count me in! Albert Meroño Peñuela, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

BarbaraMcG commented 5 years ago

Me too Barbara McGillivray, University of Cambridge and The Alan Turing Institute

martijnkleppe commented 5 years ago

Great initiative, happy to join in - Martijn Kleppe, National Library of the Netherlands (KB)

TScheffler commented 5 years ago

I'm interested! Tatjana Scheffler, University of Potsdam

frederik-elwert commented 5 years ago

I’m also interested! Frederik Elwert, Ruhr University Bochum

andreskarjus commented 5 years ago

Yes! - Andres Karjus, University of Edinburgh

riddella commented 5 years ago

Sure. Allen Riddell, Indiana University Bloomington

hartmast commented 5 years ago

Sounds great, count me in :) Stefan Hartmann, University of Bamberg

t-duan commented 5 years ago

I'm supporting! Tinghui Duan, University of Jena