coil-kt / coil

Image loading for Android and Compose Multiplatform.
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DiskCache gets reset on app restart #1447

Closed jikyu closed 2 years ago

jikyu commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug My app loads images and caches them to DiskCache without any issues. Queries like context.imageLoader.diskCache?.get(key) and context.imageLoader.diskCache?.size work fine after fetching images.

However, every time I restart my app, disk cache gets reset. If I try to call context.imageLoader.diskCache?.size when the app loads, it returns 0. Is this expected behavior?

To Reproduce

  1. Create new image loader

    override fun newImageLoader(): ImageLoader {
    return ImageLoader.Builder(applicationContext)
        .diskCache {
        .memoryCache {
  2. Fetch images and load it into cache

    val request = ImageRequest.Builder(applicationContext)
    val result = applicationContext.imageLoader.execute(request)

    At this point, applicationContext.imageLoader.diskCache?.get(imageUrl) works fine.

  3. On the next app restart, diskCache is reset. For example....

    applicationContext.imageLoader.diskCache?.get(imageUrl) // Returns null
    applicationContext.imageLoader.diskCache?.size // Returns 0

Version Coil 2.1.0

jikyu commented 2 years ago

There's a related question on stack overflow:

jikyu commented 2 years ago

Oops I was using applicationContext.cacheDir, should have used more permanent applicationContext.filesDir