I am using compose multiplatform I'm currently working on a project using Compose Multiplatform project, and looking for ways to handle image loading from a URL. while sync, I get an error is
composeApp:iosArm64Main: Could not find io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-network-ktor:3.0.0-rc01. Required by: project :composeApp
We had to split coil-network-ktor to support both Ktor 2 and Ktor 3. You'll need to import io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-network-ktor3:3.0.0-rc01 to use Ktor 3.
I am using compose multiplatform I'm currently working on a project using Compose Multiplatform project, and looking for ways to handle image loading from a URL. while sync, I get an error is
Error: composeApp:iosArm64Main: Could not find io.coil-kt.coil3:coil-network-ktor:3.0.0-rc01. Required by: project :composeApp
my files libs.versions.toml
gradle file