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Notes on using a coiled software environment with prefect #128

Closed gryBox closed 1 year ago

gryBox commented 3 years ago

Hi - Quick postmortem on running a flow with prefect, spacy and coiled using the container= argument .

There were two primary errors I ran into, but they were worth solving!! Why? Slimmest workflow to test, scale and deploy pipelines that I am aware of.


  1. During the container build my_conda_environment is not merged correctly with the coiled environment.

[...] If you would like conda packages to be installed into a different conda environment (e.g. you’re using a custom Docker image which uses a environment not named "coiled"), then you may pass the name of the conda environment to the conda_env_name= keyword for coiled.create_software_environment.

  1. Deserialization
    • The errors were fairly random and not completely reproducible. The error messages ranged from dropped scheduler connections, mismatched package versions to straight up deserialization errors. The fix was to explicitly pass the python version and make sure the 'dask distributed version is calibrated between the local machine and coiled. One suggestion for coiled might be to explicitly state what version of dask and python the latest default coiled container is using.

Working example

import prefect
from prefect import Flow, Parameter, task

import spacy

def add_last_name(first_name, last_name="Smith"):
    full_name = f"{first_name} {last_name}"

    return full_name

def load_spacy_model(mdl_name="en_core_web_sm", lang_mdl=None):

    if lang_mdl is None:
        print(f"Loading language model: {mdl_name}")
        mdl = spacy.load(mdl_name)

    return mdl 

with Flow(name="tst-deploy") as flow:
    first_name = Parameter("first_name", default="Alexander")
    mdl_name = Parameter("mdl_name", default="en_core_web_sm")

    # A task to test that a string gets deserialized
    full_name = add_last_name(first_name, last_name="Hamilton")

    # 1. Load english language model
    lang_mdl = load_spacy_model(mdl_name=mdl_name)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    import coiled

    run_se = 3
    if run_se == 1:
            conda={"channels": ["conda-forge", "defaults"],
                "dependencies": ["python=3.8.8", "numpy", "prefect", "spacy"]},
                 # Fixed a dask scheduler error in a running cluster
                "python -m pip install jupyter-server-proxy",
                "python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm"

    from prefect.executors import DaskExecutor, LocalExecutor

    e = 3
    if e==1:
        executor = LocalExecutor()
    elif e==2:
        print("Local Dask Executor")
        executor = DaskExecutor()
    elif e==3:
        executor = DaskExecutor(
                "worker_memory":"16 GiB",
                "scheduler_memory": "16 GiB",
                "software": "grybox/tst-prefect-py38",
                "name": "tst-py38",
                "shutdown_on_close": False

    state =
        executor= executor


Hope this helps somebody else running into issues using prefect and coiled

shughes-uk commented 1 year ago

Package sync is the preferred feature to use for this now. Should resolve a lot of the serialization issues which were most likely caused by mismatches between dependencies