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Access to coiled demos/resources for particle physics use cases #247

Open matthewfeickert opened 11 months ago

matthewfeickert commented 11 months ago

I was talking with @jrbourbeau today at SciPy 2023 and he indicated that if people were interested in trying out new Coiled features for scientific workflows that it might be possible to get access to resources for this (I might have misunderstood on the resources part).

I'm interested in playing with this for understanding UX for the particle physics community and I know that @nsmith- and @lgray would be as well (maybe also @alexander-held?).

jrbourbeau commented 10 months ago

Hey @matthewfeickert 👋 apologies for the delayed response

I went ahead and added your matthewfeickert Coiled user to the dask account. You can use the account by passing it through the various coiled APIs like:

cluster = coiled.Cluster(account="dask", ...)
coiled run --account dask <your-command>

or by setting it as the default account at

I'm also around and available if you want to walk through things or just chat generally (sending you a calendly link via email)

matthewfeickert commented 10 months ago

Fantastic. Thank you very much @jrbourbeau! I'm a bit overwhelmed with deadlines for the rest of this week but I hope to get back to this early next week.