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Quickstart error: missing s3fs #62

Closed hugobowne closed 3 years ago

hugobowne commented 4 years ago

After @chriscardillo had this issue,

he got an error that he was missing s3fs after running

import dask.dataframe as dd

df = dd.read_csv(
    "s3://nyc-tlc/trip data/yellow_tripdata_2019-*.csv",
        "payment_type": "UInt8",
        "VendorID": "UInt8",
        "passenger_count": "UInt8",
        "RatecodeID": "UInt8",
    storage_options={"anon": True},
    blocksize="16 MiB",

from the quickstart.

Any idea why this happened?

jrbourbeau commented 4 years ago

Hrm, s3fs was added as a dependency for coiled starting with coiled==0.0.19. What version of coiled was installed? If using coiled>=0.0.19, are you sure the local environment with coiled installed was activated when you ran the quickstart?

hugobowne commented 4 years ago

Not sure which version but i watched him pip install coiled < 24 hours ago so it would be the most recent, yeah?

Then everything worked smoothly, except for this error so I presume it was this version.

We can go back and check the screen share also, which I posted in slack :)

chriscardillo commented 4 years ago

Was using version 0.0.22

hugobowne commented 4 years ago

are you sure the local environment with coiled installed was activated when you ran the quickstart?

I thought it must have been as import coiled worked.

It was quickstart Step 3 that threw the error

FabioRosado commented 3 years ago

With the latest coiled changes, the default software environments have the s3fs dependency, which will fix this issue. I've also tested this by running the quickstart, and everything worked as we expect 👍