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A Package for Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms Written in C/C++
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Threadsafe traceless forward mode with 2nd order derivatives #62

Open cgraeser opened 2 days ago

cgraeser commented 2 days ago

We have bindings for AdolC in dune. Unfortunately the lack of thread-safety of the tape-based mode prohibits its use in thread-parallel assembly. On the other hand traceless forward mode with adtl::adouble has several drawbacks that cannot easily be fixed by patching it. As a remedy I implemented my own forward mode class. If there is interest, I'd happily propose it for inclusion in AdolC.

Here's a rough sketch on the approach:

In adtl::adouble is roughly equivalent to ADValue<double,1,dynamicDim>.

In my tests (with complicated nested function but small dimension), using a compile time dimension is about twice as fast as adtl::adouble with boost::pool. In another test I used this to compute the 1st and 2nd order derivatives for a Newton step of a quasilinear PDE (minimal surface). Here the performance is exactly the same as if the derivatives are handwritten.

Notice that the above obviously cannot be achieved by patching adtl::adouble. Hence adding this would mean to add a new templated class.

cgraeser commented 2 days ago

Unfortunately I cannot attach a source file. So I'll link to the current version: Notice that this is almost independent of the rest of Dune. The remaining uses of Dune::range() can easily be replaced.

cgraeser commented 1 day ago

I just noticed that nesting ADValue works. So you could even use ADValue<ADValue<T, 1, dim>, 1, dim> to compute second order derivatives or, with one level more, third order ones.

Since this is just a lucky coincidence, it there may be cases where this fails. I will also be less efficient, since one computes several derivatives multiple times. But it's probably worth to be investigated.

awalther1 commented 1 day ago

Hi Carsten,

that is indeed very interesting. Thanks a lot for the opportunity to discuss the integration into ADOL-C! There is actually a variant of the traceless mode that allows the calculation of higher order derivatives. So maybe these two approaches could be merged to some extend. Should we coordinate via email how to proceed?



cgraeser commented 1 day ago

I also noticed adtl_hov.h today, but did not understand how to use it. Since my approach is templated, it can probably not be integrated into one of the other solutions. Dropping the template would also destroy the performance benefit. But I understand that it should be avoided to have functionally similar solutions in parallel.

Should we coordinate via email how to proceed? That's probably a good idea. I'll contact you.