coin-or / CHiPPS-ALPS

This is the Abstract Library for Parallel Search (ALPS), the abstract base layer of the COIN-OR High Performance Parallel Search framework.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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How to cite the work? #3

Open kibaekkim opened 7 years ago

kibaekkim commented 7 years ago

I am writing a paper that reports numerical results from (partly) using ALPS. What is a proper way to cite this?

tkralphs commented 7 years ago

The DOI of the latest release (1.5.6) is below and this DOI is what should be used to cite the software itself. If you need the DOI for another version, let me know

There several papers that one could cite. The most relevant is probably the paper that appeared in proceedings of the ICS conference:

There is also a journal paper discussing the entire CHiPPS hierarchy:

Finally, there is a paper discussing the parallel MILP solver we implemented on top of ALPS:

kibaekkim commented 7 years ago

Thanks. This must be useful if found in README.