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[Trac #103] Assertion `!columnLower[iColumn]' failed. #101

Open s-c-e opened 5 years ago

s-c-e commented 5 years ago


Cbc version trunk, build Nov 13 2010
command line - ../../../bin/cbc PRICE_AND_CUT_subProb_relax.n4.c0.p8.b0.lp (default strategy 1)
Continuous objective value is 551.204 - 0.00 seconds


Cbc0038I Pass  89: suminf.    0.14545 (3) obj. 930.071 iterations 1
Cbc0038I No solution found this major pass
Cbc0038I Before mini branch and bound, 8 integers at bound fixed and 0 continuous
cbc: ../../../../Cgl/src/CglDuplicateRow/CglDuplicateRow.cpp:392: void CglDuplicateRow::generateCuts12(const OsiSolverInterface&, OsiCuts&, CglTreeInfo) const: Assertion `!columnLower[iColumn]' failed.


For my own reference - this problem happens in DIP, application MILP, on PC, Sample/p0033, RandomSeed?=1, RelaxPercent?=0.33 in 4th node.


I recently encountered the same crash.