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[Trac #102] cbc stand-alone solver aborts unexpectedly #102

Open s-c-e opened 5 years ago

s-c-e commented 5 years ago



I try to solve a MIP with the cbc stand-alone solver (2.5.0, build Sep 7 2010), but it aborts unexpectedly with the following line:

cbc: CbcBranchDynamic.cpp:549: virtual int CbcBranchDynamicDecision::betterBranch(CbcBranchingObject, CbcBranchingObject, double, int, double, int): Assertion `distance >= 0.0' failed.

I'll attach the log and the mps input, hth.

s-c-e commented 5 years ago

I have unpacked the log file and can confirm the error as described in the ticket. I'm going to try to run this model under a more modern version and I will see if I can reproduce the behavior.

s-c-e commented 5 years ago

I used this version of CBC

Welcome to the CBC MILP Solver 
Version: 2.8.12 
Build Date: Feb 22 2016 

I used this command to run the model:

a@A:~/Documents/cbc-debug/trac-ticket-102$ cbc -import mkm_cbc.mps_data2 solve > log.log 2>&1

And I've attached the resulting log file here:

Which ends like this:

Result - Optimal solution found

Objective value:                7079.00000000
Enumerated nodes:               1077
Total iterations:               133464
Time (CPU seconds):             54.50
Time (Wallclock seconds):       54.93

Total time (CPU seconds):       54.57   (Wallclock seconds):       55.03
s-c-e commented 5 years ago

@h-g-s and @tkralphs I think this ticket can be closed as resolved!