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[Trac #32] Problem on windows platform with full paths in interfaces of Cbc, CbcSolve, Clp #124

Open s-c-e opened 5 years ago

s-c-e commented 5 years ago


Example: ... Result - Finished objective 25562 after 14 nodes and 3613 iterations - took 31.6 57 seconds Coin:solu c:\result.txt Unable to open file .\c:\result.txt Coin: I use version 1.1.1 ...

s-c-e commented 5 years ago

Dear colleague,

This problem is model-independent. You can use any model, for example "hello.mps" from cbc-collection problems. See the follow log: problem ":" Coin Cbc and Clp Solver version 1.02.00, build Oct 12 2007 CoinSolver? takes input from arguments ( - switches to stdin) Enter ? for list of commands or help Coin:import hello.mps At line 1 NAME Hello At line 2 ROWS At line 25 COLUMNS At line 185 RHS At line 197 RANGES At line 209 BOUNDS At line 263 ENDATA Problem Hello has 21 rows, 53 columns and 224 elements Model was imported from .\hello.mps in 0.01 seconds Coin:solve Presolve 14 (-7) rows, 23 (-30) columns and 113 (-111) elements Optimal - objective value 0 After Postsolve, objective 0, infeasibilities - dual 0 (0), primal 0 (0) Optimal objective 0 - 0 iterations time 0.032, Presolve 0.03 Coin:solu c:\Result.txt Unable to open file .\c:\Result.txt Coin: problem ":" The problem is absolute path with symbol ":".

I have found other problems in user's interface. The fatal error happens when the "pret" parameter is setting: problem "PreT" Coin:pret 1 preTolerance was changed from 1e-008 to 1

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. problem "PreT"

The suspected initial value is displayed when change "sec" parameter: * problem "sec" Coin:sec?? sec(onds) : maximum seconds After this many seconds coin solver will act as if maximum nodes had been reached. <Range of values is -1 to 1e+012;

current 1e+008>

Coin:sec 9999 seconds was changed from 1e+100 to 9999 Coin:Coin: * problem "sec" Has the time limit the problems without integer variables? I am not yet sure...

-1 can be assigned to parameters "log" and "slog". What is this mean? There is no help... To parameter "passC" can be negative. What is this mean? * strange negative Coin:log?? log(Level) : Level of detail in Coin branch and Cut output If 0 then there should be no output in normal circumstances. 1 is probably the best value for most uses, while 2 and 3 give more information. <Range of values is -1 to 63;

current 1>

Coin:slog?? slog(Level) : Level of detail in Solver output If 0 then there should be no output in normal circumstances. 1 is probably the best value for most uses, while 2 and 3 give more information. <Range of values is -1 to 63;

current 0>

Coin:passC?? passC(uts) : Number of cut passes at root node The default is 100 passes if less than 500 columns, 100 passes (but stop if drop small if less than 5000 columns, 20 otherwise <Range of values is -999999 to 999999;

current -1>

The strange value is displayed when the "cutoff" parameter change. The branch and cut algorithm is ignores "cutoff" changes... I set 1e55, but B&C use 1e50. See the follow log (the example "p0033.mps" was taken from cbc-collection): cutoff problems Coin Cbc and Clp Solver version 1.02.00, build Oct 12 2007 CoinSolver? takes input from arguments ( - switches to stdin) Enter ? for list of commands or help Coin:cutoff?? cuto(ff) : All solutions must be better than this All solutions must be better than this value (in a minimization sense). This is also set by code whenever it obtains a solution and is set to value of objective for solution minus cutoff increment. <Range of values is -1e+060 to 1e+060;

current 1e+050>

Coin:cutoff 1e55 cutoff was changed from 1e+100 to 1e+055 Coin:heur off Option for heuristicsOnOff changed from on to off Coin:cuts off Option for cutsOnOff changed from on to off Coin:import p0033.mps At line 15 NAME P0033 At line 16 ROWS At line 34 COLUMNS At line 109 RHS At line 118 BOUNDS At line 152 ENDATA Problem P0033 has 16 rows, 33 columns and 98 elements Model was imported from .\p0033.mps in 0 seconds Coin:solve Optimal - objective value 2520.57 Cgl0006I 1 SOS (5 members out of 33) with 0 overlaps - too much overlap or too many others Cgl0004I processed model has 15 rows, 32 columns (32 integer) and 97 elements processed model has 15 rows, 32 columns and 97 elements Optimal - objective value 2819.36 32 integer variables Cbc0009I Objective coefficients multiple of 1 cutoff increment increased from 1e-005 to 0.999 Cbc0010I After 0 nodes, 1 on tree, 1e+050 best solution, best possible 2819.36 (0.01 seconds) Cbc0016I Integer solution of 3302 found by strong branching after 21 iterations and 9 nodes (0.06 seconds) Cbc0016I Integer solution of 3089 found by strong branching after 205 iterations and 89 nodes (0.29 seconds) Cbc0001I Search completed - best objective 3089, took 278 iterations and 121 nodes (0.36 seconds) Cbc0032I Strong branching done 528 times (921 iterations), fathomed 53 nodes and fixed 29 variables Cuts at root node changed objective from 2819.36 to 2819.36 Result - Finished objective 3089 after 121 nodes and 278 iterations - took 0.38 seconds cutoff problems

Maybe my English is too bad, but the "inc??" says "plus increment" against "cutoff??" "minus increment"... Seems too strange... * cutoff increment direction Coin:inc?? inc(rement) : A valid solution must be at least this much better than last integer solution Whenever a solution is found the bound on solutions is set to solution (in a minimizationsense) plus this. If it is not set then the code will try and work one out e.g. if all objective coefficients are multiples of 0.01 and only integer variables have entries in objective then this can be set to 0.01. Be careful if you set this negative! <Range of values is -1e+020 to 1e+020;

current 1e-005>

Coin:cutoff?? cuto(ff) : All solutions must be better than this All solutions must be better than this value (in a minimization sense). This is also set by code whenever it obtains a solution and is set to value of objective for solution minus cutoff increment. <Range of values is -1e+060 to 1e+060;

current 1e+050>

I can't understand the help of "PrimalP" without drinking bottle of vodka... Which options is workable? Why the "primal exact" help is equivalent "dual steepest" help? primalP & dualP help * Coin:primalP?? primalP(ivot) : Primal pivot choice algorithm Clp can use any pivot selection algorithm which the user codes as long as it implements the features in the abstract pivot base class. The Dantzig method is implemented to show a simple method but its use is deprecated. Exact devex is the method of choice and there are two variants which keep all weights updated but only scan a subset each iteration. Partial switches this on while change initially does dantzig until the factorization becomes denser. This is still a work in progress. <Possible options for primalPivot are: auto(matic) exa(ct) dant(zig) part(ial) steep(est) change sprint;

current auto(matic)>

Coin:dualP?? dualP(ivot) : Dual pivot choice algorithm Clp can use any pivot selection algorithm which the user codes as long as it implements the features in the abstract pivot base class. The Dantzig method is implemented to show a simple method but its use is deprecated. Steepest is the method of choice and there are two variants which keep all weights updated but only scan a subset each iteration. Partial switches this on while automatic decides at each iteration based on information about the factorization. <Possible options for dualPivot are: auto(matic) dant(zig) partial steep(est);

current auto(matic)>

primalP & dualP help *

From: coin-trac@… coin-trac@… Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 1:32 AM Cc: cbc-tickets@… Subject: Re: [COIN-OR Branch-and-Cut MIP Solver] #32: Problem on windows platform with full paths in interfaces of Cbc, CbcSolve?, Clp

32: Problem on windows platform with full paths in interfaces of Cbc, CbcSolve?, Clp

Reporter: mserg | Owner: somebody

Type: defect | Status: new

Priority: major | Milestone:

Component: component1 | Version:

Resolution: | Keywords:

Comment (by jpfasano):

What Version of Cbc are you using? What do you do to create the problem? How can the problem be recreated?

-- Ticket URL: <​> COIN-OR Branch-and-Cut MIP Solver An LP-based branch-and-cut MIP solver.

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by ladanyi Resolution set to fixed Status changed from new to closed fixed it in trunk. Will soon make a new stable and release out of it.

comment:3 Changed 10 years ago by marotig Resolution fixed deleted Status changed from closed to reopened The problem with full paths appears in the windows version of Cbc-2.2.2: calling

$ cbcSolve.exe -import d:\lp.lp -solve -solu d:\sol.sol


Unable to open file .\d:\sol.sol

The same happens to clp.exe.

Regards, G.

comment:4 Changed 9 years ago by marotig The absolute paths are still broken in Cbc-2.3.0 (on Windows). It looks like I am the only one who encounters this problem...

Regards, Gabor