coin-or / Cbc

COIN-OR Branch-and-Cut solver
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Question - interpretation of a sol file #631

Open Vincent-Liagre-QB opened 8 months ago

Vincent-Liagre-QB commented 8 months ago

How should I read a sol file ? I understand lines correspond to variables but I am confused what each of the columns mean ; notably :

A sample :

Stopped on iterations - objective value 79206366.16520345
      0 C0000000  -1.6653345e-16               19.462028
      1 C0000001   -2.220446e-16               14.514021
      2 C0000002               0               35.462514
      3 C0000003               0               35.462687
      4 C0000004               0               34.920589
      5 C0000005               0               16.000022
      6 C0000006               0               31.265794
  76829 C0076829             146              -3.0000149
**   76830 C0076830            12.1                      -0
  76831 C0076831             143               58.999894
  76832 C0076832             337               77.999908
 239313 X0239313               0              -36.999294
 239314 X0239314               0              -31.120354
**  239315 X0239315      -7.4335443           0.00022670012
 239316 X0239316               0              -43.139073
 239317 X0239317               0              -31.290601

In this precise example I would like to understand whether the solution found is feasible or not.