To build CLP with UFL AMD support, I have to modify the source (Cbc/src/ It would be much better if this can be done as an option during configure (for both CBC with CLP as the linear solver, and CLP).
In discussion with Stefan Vigerske on the CBC mailing list, he suggested that:
Best would be to have a configure option (--with-uflamd-{libs,incdir}...),
Moved from TRAC as part of COIN fORgery:
To build CLP with UFL AMD support, I have to modify the source (Cbc/src/ It would be much better if this can be done as an option during configure (for both CBC with CLP as the linear solver, and CLP).
In discussion with Stefan Vigerske on the CBC mailing list, he suggested that:
Best would be to have a configure option (--with-uflamd-{libs,incdir}...),