coin-or / Clp

COIN-OR Linear Programming Solver
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Assertion in ClpNonLinearCost::checkInfeasibilities: `lowerValue <= upperValue' failed #173

Open christoph-cullmann opened 3 years ago

christoph-cullmann commented 3 years ago

e.g. run a debug build of cbc with

cbc value_231271646004486.lp -cuts=off -solve

this will result in:

cbc: src/Clp/src/ClpNonLinearCost.cpp:1064: void ClpNonLinearCost::checkInfeasibilities(double): AssertionlowerValue <= upperValue' failed.`

-cuts=off is needed (or some other subset of cuts)


christoph-cullmann commented 3 years ago

Other ILP to reproduce this, needs no special options for cbc
