coin-or / Clp

COIN-OR Linear Programming Solver
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add function to C interface to access ClpSimplex* member of Clp_Simplex* #284

Closed svigerske closed 8 months ago

svigerske commented 8 months ago

@amigalemming This should take care of #283.

You can use defines CLP_VERSION_MAJOR and CLP_VERSION_MINOR to distinguish current master from Clp 1.17. Since master has no version yet, CLP_VERSION_MAJOR and CLP_VERSION_MINOR are both 9999 at the moment. They will probably move to 1 and 18 or 2 and 0, if there will ever be an attempt of doing a release. So you may want to check for CLP_VERSION_MAJOR > 1 || CLP_VERSION_MINOR > 17 in your code.