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License question about the meaning of EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later #195

Closed a-jp closed 4 months ago

a-jp commented 4 months ago


In the license section it says:

EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later

Can you confirm which actions, or build options etc, would enforce GPL 2.0 over EPL 2.0 for CppAD? I would like to use EPL 2.0. Thanks

bradbell commented 4 months ago

You can use CppAD with either the EPL-2.0 license or the GPL-2.0 or later license. The choice is up to you. This part of how EPL-2.0 allows for a secondary license.

a-jp commented 4 months ago

Ok thanks

bradbell commented 4 months ago

For a more complete explanation; see 2.3. Is EPL-2.0 with the Secondary License clause considered dual licensing?