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OBOE (Oracle Based Optimization Engine) is an open source software for general convex optimization.
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stopping when LocSet is empty #12

Closed svigerske closed 5 years ago

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Issue created by migration from Trac.

Original creator: axjiang

Original creation time: 2010-07-22 23:55:40

Assignee: somebody


I would like to have the option of stopping the algorithm when the LocSet becomes empty (manager.getExitCode() is LOCSET_EMPTY or CHOLESKY_FAILURE). Right now this doesn't happen by default, and as a result the algorithm would sometimes crash (e.g. assertion error when dividing by a near zero number). Is there a way to access Manager's exit code from the user side? I tried to do that by subclassing QpGenerator, but got a compile error because Manager.h was not exported.

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Comment by @nsawhney68 created at 2010-07-23 07:42:02

Changing assignee from somebody to @nsawhney68.

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Comment by @nsawhney68 created at 2010-07-23 07:42:02

Changing status from new to assigned.

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Comment by @nsawhney68 created at 2010-07-23 07:58:05

This should be possible with the current code. The QpGenerator class provides access to the exit code from the Manager class via the function call getExitCode. In your implementation of the eval() function of the oracle you can check if getExitCode() is one of your required conditions in which case eval() should return 1, which signals termination to QpGenerator.

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Comment by @nsawhney68 created at 2010-07-23 07:58:05

Resolution: fixed