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Corrections from earlier changeset(s) missing #61

Open svigerske opened 5 years ago

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Issue created by migration from Trac.

Original creator: devos

Original creation time: 2017-12-22 17:06:32

Keywords: OS 2.10, trunk, make fails

Changeset d2ae03ae1a does not include corrections that were made in Changeset 9b41227343. For example, changes in /OS/src/OSParsers/ and /OS/src/OSParsers/OSParseosil.y that change 'return false' to 'return NULL' in several places. See attached Notes on build 12-22-17 209am.txt for the relevant line numbers.

'return' false causes make to fail: error: cannot convert 'bool' to 'char*' in return if(i != 6) { osilerror_wrapper( ch,osillineno,"incorrect sizeOf attribute in element"); return false;}

Is it possible that other changes between 9b41227343 and d2ae03ae1a are also unincorporated?

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Attachment [Notes on build 12-22-17 209am.txt]( on build 12-22-17 209am.txt) by devos created at 2017-12-22 17:07:02

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Attachment [Source download for build 12-22-17 209am.txt]( download for build 12-22-17 209am.txt) by devos created at 2017-12-22 17:07:21

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Attachment config.log by devos created at 2017-12-22 17:07:54

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Attachment make.log by devos created at 2017-12-22 17:08:29

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Comment by @h-i-gassmann created at 2017-12-22 17:54:39

This is really bad. I was trying to duplicate the earlier error messages and couldn't. Rather, I found a loader error in a Couenne routine. This error is also present in the current trunk, which I know was building (from a complete checkout) three months ago and has been building (after modifications) as late as Monday. I am working on it. Thanks in advance for your patience.

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Comment by devos created at 2017-12-25 00:24:42

I also experienced errors in other projects on previous builds. I eventually skipped most of the other projects just to try to get CLP to build. This is the configure command I used: ./configure -C --enable-gnu-packages -disable-pkg-config COIN_SKIP_PROJECTS="DyLP SYMPHONY Bonmin Couenne Vol"

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Comment by @h-i-gassmann created at 2017-12-27 14:31:50

For the record: the current version of trunk builds on my machine and executes the unit test. The errors reported earlier seem to have been caused by a faulty download of Lapack. Version stable-2.10 does not build as of this morning.

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Comment by devos created at 2017-12-29 01:02:23

Were you able to figure out why the current version does not include the changes from all prior changesets? The 'return false' code causes a failure while building CLP, and was corrected in 9b41227343, but is not corrected in current trunk.

I tried to build stable-2.10 and releases-2.10.1 before trying trunk. I need a working version with the CLP solver. Did you test CLP? Could you share the configure statement that you used?

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Comment by devos created at 2017-12-31 15:26:13

I ended up modifying OS/src/OSParsers/OSParseosil.y.3 from trunk d2ae03ae1a to conform to the fix in 9b41227343 and configuring with the --with-flex-bison option to rebuild the parsers. The files that were recreated by the build system were:

This is the configure command I used: ./configure -C --enable-gnu-packages -disable-pkg-config --with-flex-bison COIN_SKIP_PROJECTS="DyLP SYMPHONY Bonmin Couenne Vol"

I have attached the modified OSParseosil.y.3 and a Word document showing the diffs.

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Attachment [Custom fix for COIN-OS trunk r5287.docx]( fix for COIN-OS trunk r5287.docx) by devos created at 2017-12-31 15:26:48

svigerske commented 5 years ago

Attachment OSParseosil.y.3 by devos created at 2017-12-31 15:27:12