coin-or / pulp

A python Linear Programming API
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COPT interface on master fails CI tests #714

Closed aphi closed 6 months ago

aphi commented 6 months ago

The COPT interface on master is breaking on test_pulp_023. i.e. if we retriggered the tests on master now they would fail with this error below - I've confirmed that on my fork.

Presently this blocks PRs #713 and #710 which make unrelated changes but both hit this error.

ERROR: test_pulp_023 (pulp.tests.test_pulp.COPTTest) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.17/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pulp/tests/", line 473, in test_pulp_023 pulpTestCheck(prob, self.solver, [const.LpStatusOptimal], solution) File "/Users/runner/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.17/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pulp/tests/", line 1616, in pulpTestCheck [const.LpStatus[s] for s in okstatus], pulp.constants.PulpError: Tests failed for solver <pulp.apis.copt_api.COPT object at 0x1061f9810>: status == 0 not in [1] status == Not Solved not in ['Optimal']

@wujianjack @pchtsp

wujianjack commented 6 months ago

@aphi Thanks for reporting this issue! We have reproduced and identified the bug, it's about incorrect final MIP status when our MIP start routine determine that the start solution is indeed optimal. The fix will be included in our next patch release.

Thanks again!

wujianjack commented 6 months ago

@aphi Sorry for the delay, we just released 7.0.5 and fixed the issue. Thanks again!

aphi commented 6 months ago

@wujianjack Nice one - thanks. Verified to be working in my PR as well, so will close this issue.