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Python-MIP: collection of Python tools for the modeling and solution of Mixed-Integer Linear programs
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Issues running the latest versions of Python-MIP on AWS lambda functions #334

Open jerak opened 1 year ago

jerak commented 1 year ago

Bug With the two latest versions of Python-MIP (1.14.0 and 1.15.0) I seem to have issues running on AWS lambda functions. When calling the lambda function, the issue that appears is the following:

import mip.cbc\n File \"/tmp/sls-py-req/mip/\", line 603, in <module>\n Osi_getNumCols = cbclib.Osi_getNumCols\nNameError: name 'cbclib' is not defined\n"

This issue is also reported in other places, and, as far as I understand it, the proposed solution is to add the CBC binaries manually, as described here:

This solved the aforementioned error. However, this seems to be resulting in much longer solving times (sometimes more than doubling). Is this a known or explainable issue? Are there alternatives for resolving the initial problem?

Important to mention is that the reason for wanting to upgrade from 1.13.0 to 1.15.0 is that when calling the solver multiple times in a row, the solver sometimes seems to get stuck in an infinite loop (reproducing the error doesn't seem to be easy, as it seems to be machine/OS-dependent). My guess was that that issue was solved in

Lambda function specifications:

jerak commented 1 year ago

When digging deeper into this, I noticed that the following error occurred prior to the aforementioned error: An error occurred while loading the CBC library: cannot load library '/var/lang/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mip/libraries/': /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.27' not found (required by /var/lang/lib/python3.9/site-packages/mip/libraries/

jerak commented 1 year ago

When following the steps for adding custom binaries, as described on this page:, I noticed that the files are very small (e.g. is 0kb, is the largest file, with 2294kb. Also, I get a lot of files with similar names (all with .so, so.0, so.0.0 and .la) extensions, instead of 1 large file named Any ideas if there is something that I am doing wrong?

rschwarz commented 1 year ago

The other files are probably symbolic links to the main file.

jerak commented 1 year ago

Thank you, that makes sense. So that is not completely unexpected? Is the fact that adding those custom binaries results in longer runtimes to be expected? Do you by any chance have another potential direction?

Thanks a lot for your help!

rschwarz commented 1 year ago

No, it is standard practice to provide these symlinks.

As to longer runtimes: There may be compilation options that enable certain optimizations, having an impact on runtime.

jerak commented 1 year ago

Thank you, that might explain it indeed. Are you able to indicate what those options might be, so that I can try the same options on my side?

rschwarz commented 1 year ago

No, sorry, I'm not familiar with the building of CBC.

tkralphs commented 1 year ago

The symbolic links are part of the standard way that versioning is done with virtually all Linux packages. It's a mechanism by which you can drop in a new version of a library without breaking everything that depends on that library. If you do something like ls /usr/lib on a Linux box, you will see all libraries have these symbolic links installed.

The default build options should be fine in general, but there are some third-party libraries that can improve performance. Take a look at the builds on Github Actions to see what libraries are installed, e.g.,