coin-or / python-mip

Python-MIP: collection of Python tools for the modeling and solution of Mixed-Integer Linear programs
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ERROR while running Cbc. Macos #381

Open OverLucker opened 2 months ago

OverLucker commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug ERROR while running Cbc. Signal SIGSEGV caught. Getting stack trace.

Fulltrace ``` 0 cbc-c-darwin-arm64.dylib 0x000000029250b1c8 _Z15CbcCrashHandleri + 296 1 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00000001822ada24 _sigtramp + 56 2 cbc-c-darwin-arm64.dylib 0x000000029262c7d4 _ZN9CglTwomir12generateCutsERK18OsiSolverInterfaceR7OsiCuts11CglTreeInfo + 808 3 cbc-c-darwin-arm64.dylib 0x000000029249175c _ZN15CbcCutGenerator12generateCutsER7OsiCutsiP18OsiSolverInterfaceP7CbcNode + 1100 4 cbc-c-darwin-arm64.dylib 0x00000002924e6cd0 _ZN8CbcModel10serialCutsER7OsiCutsP7CbcNodeS1_i + 440 5 cbc-c-darwin-arm64.dylib 0x00000002924da418 _ZN8CbcModel13solveWithCutsER7OsiCutsiP7CbcNode + 3732 6 cbc-c-darwin-arm64.dylib 0x00000002924d22f8 _ZN8CbcModel14branchAndBoundEi + 15760 7 cbc-c-darwin-arm64.dylib 0x00000002925289cc _Z8CbcMain1NSt3__15dequeINS_12basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEENS4_IS6_EEEER8CbcModelR13CbcParametersPFiPS9_iEP9ampl_info + 112400 8 cbc-c-darwin-arm64.dylib 0x0000000292478ebc Cbc_solve + 3636 9 libffi.dylib 0x0000000192e13050 ffi_call_SYSV + 80 10 libffi.dylib 0x0000000192e1badc ffi_call_int + 1208 11 0x000000013facd850 cdata_call + 1092 12 Python 0x0000000104cc2e58 _PyObject_MakeTpCall + 128 13 Python 0x0000000104da11c4 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 42380 14 Python 0x0000000104d95ff4 PyEval_EvalCode + 168 15 Python 0x0000000104d9249c builtin_exec + 428 16 Python 0x0000000104da2394 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 46940 17 Python 0x0000000104cda5a4 gen_send_ex2 + 208 18 Python 0x0000000104d9a038 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 13312 19 Python 0x0000000104cda5a4 gen_send_ex2 + 208 20 Python 0x0000000104d9a038 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 13312 21 Python 0x0000000104cda5a4 gen_send_ex2 + 208 22 Python 0x0000000104cd984c gen_send_ex + 36 23 Python 0x0000000104da2974 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 48444 24 Python 0x0000000104da5848 _PyEval_Vector + 116 25 Python 0x0000000104cc62ec method_vectorcall + 308 26 Python 0x0000000104cc3944 _PyVectorcall_Call + 152 27 Python 0x0000000104da2fd8 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 50080 28 Python 0x0000000104da5848 _PyEval_Vector + 116 29 Python 0x0000000104cc62ec method_vectorcall + 308 30 Python 0x0000000104cc3944 _PyVectorcall_Call + 152 31 Python 0x0000000104da2fd8 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 50080 32 Python 0x0000000104da5848 _PyEval_Vector + 116 33 Python 0x0000000104cc62ec method_vectorcall + 308 34 Python 0x0000000104cc3944 _PyVectorcall_Call + 152 35 Python 0x0000000104da2fd8 _PyEval_EvalFrameDefault + 50080 36 Python 0x0000000104d95ff4 PyEval_EvalCode + 168 37 Python 0x0000000104deb7f4 run_eval_code_obj + 84 38 Python 0x0000000104deb758 run_mod + 112 39 Python 0x0000000104deb598 pyrun_file + 148 40 Python 0x0000000104deafe8 _PyRun_SimpleFileObject + 268 41 Python 0x0000000104dea980 _PyRun_AnyFileObject + 216 42 Python 0x0000000104e078c4 pymain_run_file_obj + 220 43 Python 0x0000000104e07204 pymain_run_file + 72 44 Python 0x0000000104e06ae4 Py_RunMain + 704 45 Python 0x0000000104e07c20 Py_BytesMain + 40 46 dyld 0x0000000181efd0e0 start + 2360 ```

To Reproduce

from mip import Model

m = Model()

Expected behavior No errors

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context 100% Always fails
