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Open-source C++ implementation of the recently proposed online active set strategy
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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allow for empty arguments in Simulink interface #29

Closed svigerske closed 4 years ago

svigerske commented 4 years ago

Issue created by migration from Trac.

Original creator: ferreau

Original creation time: 2014-11-21 15:49:08

Assignee: ferreau

Version: 3.0.0

The S-function block of the Simulink interface should be made more flexible to accept empty bound vectors like the Matlab interface. Moreover, it would be nice to also allow for an empty Hessian matrix in case of LPs or identity Hessians (e.g. passing Hessian type as S-function parameter).

svigerske commented 4 years ago

Comment by ferreau created at 2015-01-08 09:58:56

Simulink interface has been made more intuitive and user-friendly in revision 92 of the trunk, which will become part of release 3.1. Passing an empty Hessian matrix is supported, requiring the user to specify the Hessian type (HST_ZERO or HST_IDENTITY) at compile time.

Support for empty bound vectors is still to be implemented.

svigerske commented 4 years ago

Comment by ferreau created at 2015-01-08 14:19:32

I have adapted the Simulink interface S function to accept empty bound vectors; however, I did not manage to pass an empty signal to the S function in a straight-forward way... any suggestion?

Changes are available in trunk from revision 95 and will become part of release 3.1.

svigerske commented 4 years ago

Comment by ferreau created at 2015-01-08 14:19:32

Resolution: fixed

svigerske commented 4 years ago

Comment by mgulan created at 2015-01-25 09:08:01

Thanks Joachim for the effort with changes in Simulink interface. Can you tell when approximately is the version 3.1 scheduled to be released? I am eager to try it out.

Or eventually, may I just adapt the respective source file, e.g. qpOASES_QProblem.cpp, according to the modifications made within revision 95?

Best, Martin

svigerske commented 4 years ago

Comment by ferreau created at 2015-02-11 15:13:19

Release 3.1 will be made public today or tomorrow.