Closed martinkielhorneffect closed 6 years ago
import rbfopt.rbfopt_utils
n = 2
k = len(alg.all_node_val)
# equation 3 in paper
# settings.rbs = 'auto' but that isn't understood
settings.rbf = alg.best_global_rbf[0]
Amat = rbfopt.rbfopt_utils.get_rbf_matrix(settings, n, k, alg.all_node_pos)
# rbfopt_utils.get_rbf_coefficients(settings, n, k, Amat, node_val)
lambda_coef, h_coef = rbfopt.rbfopt_utils.get_rbf_coefficients(
settings, n, k, Amat, alg.all_node_val)
# rbfopt_utils.evaluate_rbf(settings, point, n, k, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h)
rbfopt.rbfopt_utils.evaluate_rbf(settings, np.array(
[.14, 3.3]), n, k, alg.all_node_pos, lambda_coef, h_coef)
I figured it out:
import rbfopt
import rbfopt.rbfopt_utils
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray.plot as xrp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import subprocess
import re
def fun(x):
a = x[0]
b = x[1]
return np.sin(a) + np.cos(b)
t_clad = eval('np.linspace({})'.format('.15,.4,7'))
n_core = eval('np.linspace({})'.format('3.3,3.5,9'))
xas = []
for tc in t_clad:
for nq in n_core:
xas.append(dict(tc=tc, nq=nq, f=fun([tc, nq])))
df = pd.DataFrame(xas)
df2 = df.set_index(['tc', 'nq'])
ds = df2.to_xarray()
pl = (1, 2)
ax = plt.subplot2grid(pl, (0, 0))
levels = np.linspace(-.8, -.6, 11)
cs = xrp.contour(ds.f, colors='k', levels=levels)
plt.clabel(cs, inline=True)
plt.title('original merrit function')
bb = rbfopt.RbfoptUserBlackBox(2,
np.array([.15, 3.3]),
np.array([.4, 3.5]),
np.array(['R', 'R']), fun)
settings = rbfopt.RbfoptSettings(max_evaluations=50)
alg = rbfopt.RbfoptAlgorithm(settings, bb)
val, x, itercount, evalcount, fast_evalcount = alg.optimize()
n = 2
k = len(alg.all_node_val)
# matrix equation 3 in paper ?
# settings.rbs = 'auto' but that isn't understood
settings.rbf = alg.best_global_rbf[0]
Amat = rbfopt.rbfopt_utils.get_rbf_matrix(settings, n, k, alg.all_node_pos)
# rbfopt_utils.get_rbf_coefficients(settings, n, k, Amat, node_val)
lambda_coef, h_coef = rbfopt.rbfopt_utils.get_rbf_coefficients(
settings, n, k, Amat, alg.all_node_val)
# rbfopt_utils.evaluate_rbf(settings, point, n, k, node_pos, rbf_lambda, rbf_h)
val = rbfopt.rbfopt_utils.evaluate_rbf(settings, np.array(
[.14, 3.3]), n, k, alg.all_node_pos, lambda_coef, h_coef)
b, a = np.meshgrid(n_core, t_clad)
points = np.dstack((a.reshape(a.shape[0] * a.shape[1]),
b.reshape(a.shape[0] * a.shape[1])))[0]
vals = rbfopt.rbfopt_utils.bulk_evaluate_rbf(
settings, points, n, k, alg.all_node_pos, lambda_coef, h_coef).reshape(a.shape)
ax = plt.subplot2grid(pl, (0, 1))
cs = plt.contour(b, a, vals, levels=levels)
cs0 = xrp.contour(ds.f, colors='k', levels=levels)
plt.clabel(cs, inline=True)
plt.clabel(cs0, inline=True)
plt.scatter(alg.all_node_pos[:, 1], alg.all_node_pos[:, 0])
plt.title('black original, color: surrogate model')
I would like to visualize the surrogate model. But I can't figure out how to call evaluate_rbf or bulk_evaluate_rbf.
Is it possible to extend the following code example to plot the surrogate model after
has finished?