coin3d / pivy

python bindings to coin3d
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Example 6.3: no beveled text [includes proposed fix] #11

Closed InventorMentor closed 7 years ago

InventorMentor commented 7 years ago

Example 6.3 includes several mistakes, however, I'm not sure whether the setValue() calls, e.g. as in

color[0].setValue(1, 1, 1)

and in

coords[0].setValue(0.25, 0.25)

should work Pivy-wise (as in the original C++ and the current Python example). In the current example they insert unexpected values into the scenegraph and the datatype of the elements in the colors list is changed from SbColor to SbVec3f. Anyhow, (otherwise?), I've included a working alternative for this example below. Best wishes, Peter

This is an example from the Inventor Mentor,
chapter 6, example 3.

This example renders arguments as text within an
ExaminerViewer.  It is a little fancier than 6.2.

import sys

from PySide.QtGui import *
from pivy.coin import *
from pivy.quarter import *

def main():
    # Initialize Inventor and Qt
    app = QApplication(sys.argv)
    viewer = QuarterWidget()

    root = SoGroup()

    # Set up camera
    myCamera = SoPerspectiveCamera()
    myCamera.position = (0, -(len(sys.argv) - 1) / 2, 10)
    myCamera.nearDistance = 5.0
    myCamera.farDistance = 15.0
    root += myCamera

    # Let's make the front of the text white,
    # and the sides and back shiny yellow
    myMaterial = SoMaterial()
    # diffuse
    colors = [SbColor()] * 3
    colors[0] = SbColor(1, 1, 1)
    colors[1] = SbColor(1, 1, 0)
    colors[2] = SbColor(1, 1, 0)
    myMaterial.diffuseColor.setValues(0, 3, colors)

    # specular
    colors[0].setValue(1, 1, 1)
    # Note: Inventor 2.1 doesn't support multiple specular colors.
    # colors[1].setValue(1, 1, 0)
    # colors[2].setValue(1, 1, 0)
    # myMaterial.specularColor.setValues(0, 3, colors)
    root += myMaterial

    # Choose a font likely to exist.
    myFont = SoFont() = "Times" # "Times-Roman"
    root += myFont

    # Specify a beveled cross-section for the text
    myProfileCoords = SoProfileCoordinate2()
    coords = [SbVec2f()] * 4
    coords[0] = SbVec2f(.00, .00)
    coords[1] = SbVec2f(.25, .25)
    coords[2] = SbVec2f(1.25, .25)
    coords[3] = SbVec2f(1.50, .00)
    myProfileCoords.point.setValues(0, 4, coords)
    root += myProfileCoords

    myLinearProfile = SoLinearProfile()
    index = (0, 1, 2, 3)
    myLinearProfile.index.setValues(0, 4, index)
    root += myLinearProfile

    # Set the material binding to PER_PART
    myMaterialBinding = SoMaterialBinding()
    myMaterialBinding.value = SoMaterialBinding.PER_PART
    root += myMaterialBinding

    # Add the text
    myText3 = SoText3()
    myText3.string = "Beveled Text"
    myText3.justification = SoText3.CENTER = SoText3.ALL

    root += myText3

    viewer.setWindowTitle("Complex 3D Text")


if __name__ == "__main__":
looooo commented 7 years ago

thanks, added