coinbase / coinbase-woocommerce

DEPRECATED — Accept Bitcoin on your WooCommerce-powered website.
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Clicking Cancel During Transaction Unexpected Behavior #2

Closed ajo-zz closed 10 years ago

ajo-zz commented 10 years ago

The problem starts after the customer selects "Bitcoin" and proceeds to the coin base checkout page.

If customer click "Cancel and return to " at the bottom of the page, the order is marked as cancelled, the cart is cleared, and the customer returns to the storefront with an empty cart.

I would expect clicking "Cancel" would cancel the coinbase transaction, not the order, and land the user at the storefront where they can pick another payment option.

With all the curiosity of bitcoin, I would suspect that there will be a lot of people looking out of curiosity and they shouldn't be frustrated with an empty cart when they come back.