coinbase / verifications

📜 "Coinbase Verifications" is a set of Coinbase-verified onchain attestations that enable access to apps and other onchain benefits.
MIT License
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Sybil Resistance #2

Open numtel opened 9 months ago

numtel commented 9 months ago

From my exploration of this, it allows me to verify multiple accounts as belonging to my single Coinbase account. This doesn't help me implement apps that use 'one person, one vote,' quadratic voting, or equal disbursement of tokens to each person like a UBI.

Are there any plans to implement something like a Semaphore group that allows a person to join only once but can be used to anonymously submit votes?

I built a lottery creation app using my app as Sybil resistance for creating lotteries that only allow each person to buy a single ticket but very few people are verified on Coinpassport and I would love to be able to deploy it using these verifications on Base.

Coinpassport produces a salted hash of the person's passport number and country of citizenship, which works but it's not anywhere as good as a ZK group. I never have bothered to make that for Coinpassport since it doesn't really matter to join a ZK group if there's only 20 people in it since that doesn't provide much anonymity. Please build this or hire me to build it. I want to use dApps that verify individual humans.

cbfyi commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your feedback @numtel.

We're still exploring the Sybil resistance use-case (some of the ideas you mentioned are things we've been looking into!), but for the time being, we see Coinbase Verifications as one of many factors used for Sybil resistance, rather than a bullet proof solution for it.

We want to make sure we have the right balance of ease of use, and utility while still putting users' privacy at the forefront.

Would love to keep this conversation going. I hope you're in our Discord 😄

Stay tuned.