Closed noone3001 closed 4 years ago
Thanks for reporting. I could reproduce it in travis ci. We will look into that. I opened an issue in the respecitive package:
It's fixed with
Please update the mrt_cmake_modules and test again. In travis it works now
Sorry to bother you. I got a new problem to build the project.
Errors << lanelet2_validation:make /catkin_ws/logs/lanelet2_validation/build.make.000.log
/catkin_ws/devel/.private/lanelet2_io/lib/ undefined reference to pugi::xml_node::operator void (*)(pugi::xml_node***)() const' /catkin_ws/devel/.private/lanelet2_io/lib/ undefined reference to
pugi::xml_attribute::as_llong(long long) const'
/catkin_ws/devel/.private/lanelet2_io/lib/ undefined reference to pugi::xml_attribute::operator=(long long)' /catkin_ws/devel/.private/lanelet2_io/lib/ undefined reference to
pugi::xml_attribute::operator void (*)(pugi::xml_attribute)() const'
/catkin_ws/devel/.private/lanelet2_io/lib/ undefined reference to `pugi::xml_attribute::as_double(double) const'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: [/catkin_ws/devel/.private/lanelet2_validation/lib/lanelet2_validation/lanelet2_validate] Error 1
make[1]: [CMakeFiles/lanelet2_validation-lanelet2_validate-exec.dir/all] Error 2
make: [all] Error 2
Whether it's the problem of the corresponding module or the problem of environment dependence ?
Could you help me ?
Looks like linking to pugixml does not work. Please try to build lanelet2 separately first: and if it doesn't work open an issue there.
Thank you. I tried as you told me, but I got the same error displayed, with building lanelet2 separately. And what do you mean that linking to pugixml does not work? I am sure that I have gotten libpugixml-dev installed as the README told. If the libpugixml-dev (for lanelet2) is a specific version? In my PC Ubuntu16.04, libpugixml-dev is already the newest version (1.7-2).
Please try building it using the provided docker as in
If that doesn't work, please open an issue in lanelet2, as this is not a coincarsim-issue.
Finally, as you thought, it's a linking problem of pugixml. Now, I fixed it in my PC, and simulation does work.
Sorry to bother you. When I build the whole project, an error stopped me:
Errors << sim_sample_communication_ros_tool:make /catkin_ws/logs/sim_sample_communication_ros_tool/build.make.000.log /bin/sh: 1: cd: can't cd to /catkin_ws/build/sim_sample_communication_ros_tool/$
make[2]: [/catkin_ws/devel/.private/sim_sample_communication_ros_tool/lib/] Error 2
make[2]: Deleting file '/catkin_ws/devel/.private/sim_sample_communication_ros_tool/lib/'
make[1]: [CMakeFiles/sim_sample_communication_ros_tool-comm_module-nodelet.dir/all] Error 2
make: [all] Error 2
It has confused me for few days. Could you help me ? Looking forward to your reply.