coincashew / EthPillar

EthPillar: one-liner ethereum staking node setup tool and management TUI
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 5 forks source link

Please add an option of basic node installation (execution layer +consensus layer) #6

Open Shekelme opened 3 months ago

Shekelme commented 3 months ago

It would be great if, when installing a new node, it was possible to choose paths for databases of nethermind and nimbus clients.

coincashew commented 3 months ago

Great idea. As ethpillar was designed to standardize database locations with the manual guide, this would be a nice to have feature.

In the mean time, you can manually choose the paths for the databases. Simply edit their configurations via the Execution/Consensus Client menu > Edit Configuration

Thanks for trying out ethpillar!

Shekelme commented 3 months ago

I know, I have already moved the folders created in the default location and changed the configuration. Thanks!