I wanted to retrieve genes for human GO:0033577, e.g.
However, in python I get
This is odd as the retrieved page is 2/1 which does not make sense. Thus I changed the code of the function to start at page 0+1 instead of 1+1 (see below) and now it works.
(Note that this function uses go as input rather than being object-specific function as this was easier to fix for me).
def Annotation_from_goid(go, goId, max_number_of_pages=25, **kargs):
"""Returns a DataFrame containing annotation on a given GO identifier
:param str protein: a GO identifier
:return: all outputs are stored into a Pandas.DataFrame data structure.
All parameters from :math:`Annotation` are also valid except **format** that
is set to **tsv** and cols that is made of all possible column names.
data =go.Annotation(goId=goId, **kargs)
number_of_pages = data['pageInfo']['total']
if number_of_pages > max_number_of_pages:
print("As of 23d Oct 2017, the QuickGO API limits the number of pages to 25")
number_of_pages = max_number_of_pages
# unfortunately, the new API requires to call the service for each page.
results = []
for i in range(0, number_of_pages):
print("fetching page %s / %s " % (i+1, number_of_pages))
data = go.Annotation(goId=goId, page=i+1, **kargs)
if data not in [400, '400']:
import pandas as pd
return pd.DataFrame(results)
"Cannot return a DataFrame. Returns the list. If you want the dataframe, install pandas library")
return results
I wanted to retrieve genes for human GO:0033577, e.g. However, in python I get This is odd as the retrieved page is 2/1 which does not make sense. Thus I changed the code of the function to start at page 0+1 instead of 1+1 (see below) and now it works. (Note that this function uses go as input rather than being object-specific function as this was easier to fix for me).