cokwa / F4MP-Archive

Fallout 4 Multiplayer Mod
GNU General Public License v3.0
52 stars 13 forks source link

Not an issue #1

Closed 0rdinal closed 4 years ago

0rdinal commented 4 years ago

Hey man, I was wondering. Obviously this is still in heavy development, but if you could leave instructions on how someone could compile and try this out on their own machine, that'd be amazing.

I also suggest leaving your github on your videos so people can find it easier.

Sturlen commented 4 years ago

I agree with you on both points. This seems to be a very interesting project, and a note on how to compile it would be very nice.

ZombieRoxtar commented 4 years ago

I just got it to compile. The problem that had was in the common_vc11 project with common\IPrefix.h. It had the Windows version (_WIN32_WINNT) defined as 0x0501 (XP) and Cokwa's third party code doesn't compile unless it is at at least 0x0601 (Win 7). Since there may be other stuff like that, I just used Win 10 and it worked.

common\IPrefix.h:14 #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0A00 // Windows 10

Hirado6 commented 4 years ago

@ZombieRoxtar it would be very nice if you could upload the finished compiled file.

ZombieRoxtar commented 4 years ago

Good idea, @Hirado6. I also compiled the pex scripts, but the furthest I ever got with them was typing cgf "f4mp.connect" into the console to crash the game. None of the parameters that I tried seemed to appease it and I don't really speak Papyrus. It would be very nice for someone to outline the basics of getting a game connected.

SebastianRoger commented 4 years ago

Howdy folks, according to Hyunsung Go, the github is missing an ESP file, he forgot to upload it. So, without that, we can't do anything.

cokwa commented 4 years ago

Do you guys want it? Shall I just upload it now? 'Cause I'm planning to get rid of it completely.

SebastianRoger commented 4 years ago

I would if you would be willing to share it

cokwa commented 4 years ago Here, I don't want to put it on GitHub for now. So instead here's a Google Drive link.

SebastianRoger commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much, can you shortly explain how to connect?

cokwa commented 4 years ago

If you start up the game first time with this mod, you would have a file: "Documents/My Games/Fallout 4/F4MP/config.txt". This is the file you type in the IP address of the host. After editing and saving the configuration file, you start up the game with the mod active. And you load up a save file. After the loading is done, you press the F1 key to connect to the server. It might take a minute or so because of the shitty dialogue sync. But you'd eventually end up connected successfully to the server. Do this on another PC, you'd see each other. Keep in mind there's a bunch of code for debugging and it might be a mess because I haven't done any extensive testing.

SebastianRoger commented 4 years ago

Thank you very much! Just to clarify quickly, do I put my localip address into the serverconfig? Because putting my external there just causes it to crash

cokwa commented 4 years ago

I guess? I'm not entirely sure.

Hirado6 commented 4 years ago

@RyuTheRyu i think you need your ipv4 adresse to connect and could you maybe explain me how i install the mod and where i have to insert the ESP File ?

SebastianRoger commented 4 years ago

@Hirado6 you put the prebuilt mod, built by @ZombieRoxtar in the Fallout 4 basedir, put the ESP in the /data/ folder.

0rdinal commented 4 years ago

config.txt doesn't appear for me. Both Using NMM or putting it in the /data/ folder didn't seem to do it for me

cokwa commented 4 years ago

@Genetical Are you sure you put f4mp.dll in the right place? config.txt doesn't even have anything to do with the esp file, I think.

ZombieRoxtar commented 4 years ago

It worked for me like @cokwa described. @Genetical, if your game spawns a second black window when it starts then the config file is probably there. (If not, then you're not using f4se_loader or the DLL is in the wrong place.) Try pasting this into a Windows Run box. "%userprofile%\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\F4MP". For me, that folder has a log file and the config file. I had a linked game between my gaming computer and my spare. It's slow and buggy, but the functionality is there and I hope someone can run with this. We really need to not make this a tech support thread, though. It works when you can can get the pex, dll, and esp files in the right places. Make your config.txt point to the local (192) address of the machine where the server is running. Start that and then start the game via F4SE.

SebastianRoger commented 4 years ago

That's true. Most of the points of the OP have been addressed, shouldn't this thread be closed?

0rdinal commented 4 years ago

It was an error on my end. OP has answered. Closing the issue