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Bug in union breaks up objects #19

Open wkorfhage opened 1 year ago

wkorfhage commented 1 year ago

union() { linear_extrude (height = 5) square([20,32]); translate(-1, 2.5, 0) rotate([0, -15, 0]) linear_extrude (height = 15) square([1, 5.5]); } correct

Now change the X size of the initial square from 20 to 40 and the vertical object (the 2nd object) becomes discontinuous.


The nature of the discontinuity varies with the dimensions of that first linear_extrude. This appears to be related to the behavior of union. Comment out that first linear_extrude in the union and it is fine.

By the way, it would be convenient to put the syntax for comments on the API page. I just guessed what the syntax could be.