When using a local (on-disk) apt repository of .deb files the files that need to be installed are not copied into the apt cache that the bundle command uses.
Per this code we just glob out the apt cache and install all those files. The files from the local apt repo are then not installed. We need to identify how to get the path to the local Debian file from apt, and install it.
When using a local (on-disk) apt repository of
files the files that need to be installed are not copied into the apt cache that thebundle
command uses.https://github.com/colcon/colcon-bundle/blob/fb87b48286bf9355f77b8f6b9e37545e4bbeb310/colcon_bundle/installer/apt.py#L271
Per this code we just glob out the apt cache and install all those files. The files from the local apt repo are then not installed. We need to identify how to get the path to the local Debian file from apt, and install it.