coldbox-modules / quick

A ColdBox ORM Engine
MIT License
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refresh does not reload scopes #220

Open davidAtInleague opened 1 year ago

davidAtInleague commented 1 year ago
component table="RMME_A" extends="quick.models.BaseEntity" accessors=true {
    property name="id_a" type="numeric" sqltype="int";
    property name="v" type="string" sqltype="varchar";

    variables._key = "id_a";
    function keyType() {
        return variables._wirebox.getInstance( "NullKeyType@quick" ); // the key comes from Stripe and is not generated locally

    function scopeWithComputedValue( qb ) {
        qb.appendVirtualAttribute( "computedValue" )
        qb.selectRaw("'the value in the [v] column is: <<<' + [v] + '>>>' as computedValue")
    drop table if exists rmme_a;
    create table rmme_a(id_a int, v varchar(max));

getInstance("RMME_A").create({id_a:1, v: "AAA"})

x = getInstance("RMME_A").whereID_A(1).withComputedValue().firstOrFail()
writedump(x.getComputedValue()) // "the value in the [v] column is: <<<AAA>>>"
x.update({v: "BBB"})
x = x.refresh()
writedump(x.getV()) // "BBB", ok
writedump(x.getComputedValue()) // "the value in the [v] column is: <<<AAA>>>", computed value out of sync with actual value after a refresh

x = getInstance("RMME_A").whereID_A(1).withComputedValue().firstOrFail()
writedump(x.getComputedValue()) // "the value in the [v] column is: <<<BBB>>>", ok after full firstOrFail reload


This can lead to entities winding up in inconsistent states, where computed values from scopes are no longer in sync with actually refreshed data.

This behavior appears unchanged from Quick4, maybe it just needs to be documented.