command finishes if i delete cluster from console.
bash-3.2$ coldbrew cluster-delete demo-platespace
Determining AWS resources that need to be deleted...
ECS Cluster: coldbrew-demo-platespace
IAM Role for ECS Services: coldbrew-demo-platespace-ecs-service-role
EC2 Launch Configuration for ECS Container Instances: coldbrew-demo-platespace-lc
EC2 Auto Scaling Group for ECS Container Instances: coldbrew-demo-platespace-asg
IAM Instance Profile for ECS Container Instances: coldbrew-demo-platespace-instance-profile
EC2 Security Group for ECS Container Instances: coldbrew-demo-platespace-instance-sg
> Do you want to delete these resources? [y/N]: y
[*] Terminating instances in EC2 Auto Scaling Group [coldbrew-demo-platespace-asg]... (this may take long)
[-] Deleting EC2 Auto Scaling Group [coldbrew-demo-platespace-asg]... (this may take long)
[-] Deleting EC2 Launch Configuration [coldbrew-demo-platespace-lc]...
[-] Deleting IAM Instance Profile [coldbrew-demo-platespace-instance-profile]...
[-] Deleting EC2 Security Group [coldbrew-demo-platespace-instance-sg]...
[-] Deleting ECS Cluster [coldbrew-demo-platespace]...
Error: Failed to delete ECS Cluster [coldbrew-demo-platespace-ecs-service-role]: ClusterContainsServicesException: The Cluster cannot be deleted while Services are active.
status code: 400, request id: 87dbb57b-7ba6-11e7-8f63-4549790bf4f0
command finishes if i delete cluster from console.