colearendt / tidyjson

Tidy your JSON data in R with tidyjson
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Increase the number of lines of JSON converted to strings in print.tbl_json #70

Closed jeremystan closed 8 years ago

jeremystan commented 8 years ago

This will be very confusing to users:

> companies[1:5] %>% gather_keys %>% filter(is_json_object(.)) %>% gather_keys("key2")
#> # A tbl_json: 15 x 3 tibble with a "JSON" attribute
#>     `attr(., "JSON")`   key            key2
#>                 <chr>       <int> <chr>           <chr>
#> 1  "52cdef7e4bab8b...           1   _id            $oid
#> 2  [[[150,22],"ass...           1 image available_sizes
#> 3                null           1 image     attribution
#> 4  "52cdef7f4bab8b...           2   _id            $oid
#> 5  [[[150,38],"ass...           2 image available_sizes
#> 6                null           2 image     attribution
#> 7  "52cdef7d4bab8b...           3   _id            $oid
#> 8  [[[150,36],"ass...           3 image available_sizes
#> 9                null           3 image     attribution
#> 10 "52cdef7d4bab8b...           4   _id            $oid
#> 11                ...           4 image available_sizes
#> 12                ...           4 image     attribution
#> 13                ...           5   _id            $oid
#> 14                ...           5 image available_sizes
#> 15                ...           5 image     attribution