colearendt / xlsx

An R package to interact with Excel files using the Apache POI java library
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write.xlsx() creates an unlocked, accessible file before the password argument protects it #209

Open Bysmuth opened 3 months ago

Bysmuth commented 3 months ago

I wanted to write a password-protected .xlsx file without storing the password in my code. So, I called the write.xlsx() function, with the password argument set to the {rstudioapi} function askForPassword("Enter a password to protect this file:"). Run in RStudio, this prompts the user for a password, which then protects the file.

However, I had an OS window open to show the directory where the file was created, and noticed that the file was created – without password protection – at the same time that the password prompt was launched. Prior to entering a password at the prompt, the .xlsx file was unprotected and could be opened without a password. After a password was entered, the .xlsx file became locked and could only be opened with the password.

This can be easily recreated on a Mac running RStudio; e.g. by running these two lines of code...

write.xlsx(x=mtcars, file="cars.xlsx", password=askForPassword("Enter a password to protect this file:"))

...and then opening the file prior to completing the prompt.

I recognize that this may not be unintended behavior (or even avoidable behavior), and that in practice the lag between file creation and password protection (if a password is directly entered into a script) is likely to be so quick that it wouldn't matter. Just wanted to bring it to the devs' attention.

Hardware/software versions: Mac Sonoma 14.3.1, R version 4.2.3, RStudio version 2023.03.2+454, rstudioapi 0.15.0, xlsx 0.6.5

colearendt commented 3 months ago

Thanks so much for reporting this @Bysmuth ! I think you're exactly right. And as far as it looks... it looks like this is totally superfluous (we don't need to write it twice AFAICT).

Bysmuth commented 3 months ago

Always nice when the fix looks like an easy one. Thanks for the quick reply, and for developing/maintaining this useful package!