colesbury / nogil

Multithreaded Python without the GIL
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Segfault with profiling a scikit-learn pipeline with viztracer #58

Closed ogrisel closed 2 years ago

ogrisel commented 2 years ago

The following happens when using the issue56 branch as discussed in #56.

$ viztracer --tracer_entries 10000002 ~/code/sanbox/ 
sys.version='3.9.10 (heads/issue56:851b1aac3e, May  2 2022, 11:56:36)\n[nogil, GCC 11.2.0]', joblib_backend_name='threading', n_jobs=8, nogil=True
Fitting 5 folds for each of 3 candidates, totalling 15 fits
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Here is the source code of

```python import sys from time import perf_counter import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix from sklearn.datasets import fetch_covtype from sklearn.preprocessing import QuantileTransformer from sklearn.preprocessing import SplineTransformer from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures from sklearn.kernel_approximation import Nystroem from sklearn.linear_model import SGDClassifier from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split from joblib import parallel_backend from threadpoolctl import threadpool_limits nogil = getattr(sys.flags, "nogil", False) joblib_backend_name = "threading" if nogil else "loky" n_jobs = 8 print(f"{sys.version=}, {joblib_backend_name=!r}, {n_jobs=}, {nogil=}") X, y = fetch_covtype(return_X_y=True, as_frame=False) X = X[:, :5] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split( X, y, train_size=2_000, test_size=10_000, random_state=0 ) pipeline = Pipeline( [ ("preproc", None), ("splines", SplineTransformer()), # ("poly", PolynomialFeatures(degree=2, interaction_only=True)), ("kernel", Nystroem(n_components=300, gamma=1e-3, random_state=0)), ( "classifier", SGDClassifier( early_stopping=True, validation_fraction=0.2, n_iter_no_change=5, random_state=0, ), ), ] ) param_grid = { "preproc": [None, QuantileTransformer()], "splines__degree": [2, 3, 4], "splines__n_knots": [3, 5, 10], "kernel__gamma": np.logspace(-5, 3, 100), "kernel__n_components": [10, 50, 100, 500], "classifier__loss": ["hinge", "log_loss"], "classifier__alpha": np.logspace(-5, 1, 100), } tic = perf_counter() with parallel_backend(joblib_backend_name, n_jobs=n_jobs): with threadpool_limits(limits=1 if nogil else None): search = RandomizedSearchCV( pipeline, param_distributions=param_grid, n_iter=3, verbose=1, random_state=0, ).fit(X_train, y_train) toc = perf_counter() print(f"search completed in {toc - tic:.1f}s") print(search.best_params_) print(search.score(X_test, y_test)) ```

Here is the gdb backtrace:

``` #0 _Py_IncRefShared (op=) at Objects/object.c:2334 #1 0x00007ffff6d59dd7 in _Py_INCREF (op=) at /home/ogrisel/code/nogil/Include/object.h:517 #2 snaptrace_tracefunc (obj=obj@entry=, frame=frame@entry=Frame 0x29349870a90, for file /home/ogrisel/code/nogil/Lib/, line 2819, in (), what=what@entry=3, arg=arg@entry=('knots', )) at src/viztracer/modules/snaptrace.c:387 #3 0x00005555556a125f in call_profile (ts=ts@entry=0x555555b40d10, frame=Frame 0x29349870a90, for file /home/ogrisel/code/nogil/Lib/, line 2819, in (), what=what@entry=3, arg=arg@entry=('knots', )) at Python/ceval_meta.c:3511 #4 0x00005555556ab049 in vm_profile (ts=ts@entry=0x555555b40d10, last_pc=last_pc@entry=0x293445e6890 "\\\002\002M\001W", acc=..., acc@entry=('knots', )) at Python/ceval_meta.c:3644 #5 0x00005555556ab148 in vm_trace_handler (ts=0x555555b40d10, last_pc=0x293445e6890 "\\\002\002M\001W", acc=('knots', )) at Python/ceval_meta.c:3778 #6 0x00005555558103c1 in _PyEval_Fast (ts=0x555555b40d10, initial_acc=Register(as_int64 = 10000003), initial_pc=0x293445e6893 "M\001W") at Python/ceval.c:2784 #7 0x00005555556a97e0 in _PyEval_Eval (pc=, acc=..., tstate=0x555555b40d10) at Python/ceval_meta.c:2831 #8 PyEval2_EvalGen (gen=gen@entry=0x293498f0290, opt_value=None) at Python/ceval_meta.c:2862 #9 0x00005555557c23ac in gen_send_internal (gen=0x293498f0290, opt_value=) at Objects/genobject.c:244 #10 0x00005555557a63b0 in PyIter_Next (iter=iter@entry=) at Objects/abstract.c:2702 #11 0x00005555555fbcc1 in PyDict_MergeFromSeq2 (d=d@entry=, seq2=seq2@entry=, override=override@entry=1) at Objects/dictobject.c:1895 #12 0x00005555555fc178 in dict_update_arg (self=, arg=) at Objects/dictobject.c:1827 #13 0x00005555555fc4a9 in dict_update_common (methname=0x555555882419 "dict", kwds=0x0, args=, self=) at Objects/dictobject.c:1841 #14 dict_init (self=, args=, kwds=0x0) at Objects/dictobject.c:2757 #15 0x00005555556242d7 in type_call (type=, args=(,), kwds=0x0) at Objects/typeobject.c:1044 #16 0x00005555555c5a6d in _PyObject_MakeTpCall (tstate=0x555555b40d10, callable=, args=, nargs=1, keywords=0x0) at Objects/call.c:191 #17 0x00005555556a4bfb in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=, args=0x7fffccc25348, callable=, tstate=0x555555b40d10) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:116 #18 _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=0x0, nargsf=, args=0x7fffccc25348, callable=, tstate=0x555555b40d10) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:103 #19 vm_call_function (ts=0x555555b40d10, acc=...) at Python/ceval_meta.c:1341 #20 0x000055555581127b in _PyEval_Fast (ts=0x555555b40d10, initial_acc=Register(as_int64 = 10000003), initial_pc=0x293446e9e07 "F\017\001") at Python/ceval.c:982 #21 0x00005555556a8d2f in _PyEval_Eval (pc=, acc=..., tstate=0x555555b40d10) at Python/ceval_meta.c:2831 #22 _PyFunction_Vectorcall (func=, stack=0x29349801e48, nargsf=, kwnames=) at Python/ceval_meta.c:3228 #23 0x00005555555c7e68 in _PyObject_FastCallDictTstate (kwargs={'return_annotation': , '__validate_parameters__': False}, nargsf=2, args=0x7fffccc254c0, callable=, tstate=0x555555b40d10) at Objects/call.c:129 #24 _PyObject_Call_Prepend (tstate=tstate@entry=0x555555b40d10, callable=callable@entry=, obj=obj@entry=, args=args@entry=([, , , , , , ],), kwargs=kwargs@entry={'return_annotation': , '__validate_parameters__': False}) at Objects/call.c:387 #25 0x0000555555631d84 in slot_tp_init (self=, args=([, , , , , , ],), kwds={'return_annotation': , '__validate_parameters__': False}) at Objects/typeobject.c:7059 #26 0x00005555556242d7 in type_call (type=, args=([, , , , , , ],), kwds={'return_annotation': , '__validate_parameters__': False}) at Objects/typeobject.c:1044 #27 0x00005555555c5a6d in _PyObject_MakeTpCall (tstate=0x555555b40d10, callable=, args=, nargs=1, keywords=('return_annotation', '__validate_parameters__')) at Objects/call.c:191 #28 0x00005555556a4981 in _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=, nargsf=9223372036854775809, args=0x7fffc0000bf8, callable=, tstate=0x555555b40d10) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:116 #29 _PyObject_VectorcallTstate (kwnames=, nargsf=9223372036854775809, args=0x7fffc0000bf8, callable=, tstate=0x555555b40d10) at ./Include/cpython/abstract.h:103 #30 vm_call_cfunction_slow (ts=0x555555b40d10, acc=...) at Python/ceval_meta.c:1296 #31 0x000055555581127b in _PyEval_Fast (ts=0x555555b40d10, initial_acc=Register(as_int64 = 10000003), initial_pc=0x29343d12c28 "F!\001\002K") at Python/ceval.c:982 #32 0x00005555556a8d2f in _PyEval_Eval (pc=, acc=..., tstate=0x555555b40d10) at Python/ceval_meta.c:2831 #33 _PyFunction_Vectorcall (func=, stack=0x29349900008, nargsf=, kwnames=) at Python/ceval_meta.c:3228 #34 0x00005555555c7e68 in _PyObject_FastCallDictTstate ( kwargs={'train': , 'test': , 'parameters': {'splines__n_knots': 10, 'splines__degree': 4, 'preproc': , 'kernel__n_components': 500, 'kernel__gamma': , 'classifier__loss': 'hinge', 'classifier__alpha': }, 'split_progress': (1, 5), 'candidate_progress': (0, 3), 'scorer': , 'fit_params': {}, 'return_train_score': False, 'return_n_test_samples': True, 'return_times': True, 'return_parameters': False, 'error_score': , 'verbose': 1}, nargsf=4, args=0x7fffccc25760, callable=, tstate=0x555555b40d10) at Objects/call.c:129 #35 _PyObject_Call_Prepend (tstate=tstate@entry=0x555555b40d10, callable=callable@entry=, ```

The py-bt gdb commands returns:

Traceback (most recent call first):
  File "/home/ogrisel/code/nogil/Lib/", line 2819, in <genexpr>
    params = OrderedDict((, param) for param in parameters)
colesbury commented 2 years ago

Here's an update. There were a few bugs, some still outstanding:

ogrisel commented 2 years ago

I believe I had indeed. But i had not tried to investigate if i can reproduce it more deterministically without using viztracer.

ogrisel commented 2 years ago

Indeed, let me open a dedicated issue.

Edit: done in #59.

ogrisel commented 2 years ago

viztracer has two functions that aren't thread-safe without the GIL. I have a temporary fix locally, but I'm working on cleaning it up so that it can be upstreamed.

@gaogaotiantian might be interested in this part.

gaogaotiantian commented 2 years ago

I would not be surprised if there is some code that's not thread-safe in viztracer as it is designed with GIL protection. I would be happy to accept fixes for that, if the fix does not compromise its normal behavior with cpython(including performance).

colesbury commented 2 years ago

This is fixed now with I've also uploaded a viztracer wheel (compiled from master) to the nogil alternative package index.

ogrisel commented 2 years ago

I confirm that this is fixed! Thank you very much for the quick fix.