according to Java Doc at
selectNext can throw the following Exception:
IOException - if there is a communication problem to the reader or the Secure
IllegalStateException - if the channel is used after being closed or it is not
SecurityException - if the command is filtered by the security policy
While SecurityException is not document in OpenMobile 2.04, it is an OK
behavior assuming Access Control Enforcer can be enforced correctly during the
selectNext() call (which based on how AC enforcer is implemented currently, it
could be an issue, but that would be another error).
However, SEEK is missing one possible Exception based on OpenMobile 2.04 for
OperationNotSupportedError - if this operation is not supported
This is actually quick important, because:
1) UICC might not support openBasicChannel or openLogicalChannel against
Partial AID, in such case, selectNext() might fail.
2) if openBasicChannel and openLogicalChannel against Partial AID is supported
by SEEK and target UICC, it might not be possible to enforce Access Control
correctly (as selectNext would not know about result AID in order to enforce
the exact rule).
Hence, the SEEK documentation as well as implementation should be update to
handle it.
Original issue reported on by on 9 Jan 2014 at 6:36
Original issue reported on by
on 9 Jan 2014 at 6:36